Anna Shirav Hamernik wird am 29.1.2025 um 19:00, HS 47.01, einen Gastvortrag zum Thema „Women in the Wilderness? Women, Qumran, and the Dead Sea Scrolls“ halten (Vortrag in englischer Sprache, Diskussionsfragne auf Deutsch werden möglich sein).
Zum Inhalt: This lecture explores the enigmatic world of the Qumran community, with a focus on the role and presence of women. By navigating through the archaeological evidence and examining the texts themselves, we aim to reconstruct the lives and status of women associated with this isolated community of the late Second Temple period. We will begin by reviewing the unique discoveries from the Judean desert and discussing theories concerning the identity of the separatist group that possessed the scrolls at Qumran. We will then examine the archaeological evidence from the site, including graves that may indicate the presence of women, and discuss the traditional view of Qumran as an exclusively male community. We will also explore how the texts found at Qumran provide insights into the status of women, particularly through scrolls that retell and interpret the biblical narrative, such as Jubilees and the Genesis Apocryphon. We will then look at the role of women as portrayed in the Dead Sea Scrolls, particularly through laws and regulations concerning marriage, purity and other religious practices, and try to reflect on the place and status of women within this context.
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